Concession and other permissions
The use of real property may be subject to a permit – a concession – from the authorities. The central act is the Act relating to concession in the acquisition of real property.
In principle, there is a licence obligation for all land resources outside LNR areas (landuse, nature and recreational areas). An important exception, however, is built-up property up to approximately 25 acres, when full and surface cultivated land is no larger than approximately 8,6 acres. Such properties are licence-free unless the municipality has introduced a concession obligation by regulations. In some municipalities, a so-called zero limit for concessions has been introduced, which means that the transferee must complete a declaration form, which is sent to the municipality, or apply for a concession.
The legislation also contains a law on concessions for rights to waterfalls, etc. (the Waterfall Rights act).
We assist acquirers of property in connection with concession issues.
The content of this overview is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.