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Portfolio – Advokatfirmaet Sveinsson - Page 3

Portfolio – Advokatfirmaet Sveinsson - Page 3

Dispute resolution


We act for Norwegian and foreign clients in legal disputes that may arise before the Norwegian courts or arbitration tribunal. We believe, however, that the parties should endeavour to find an amicable solution to a dispute, as court cases may be time consuming and costly. Normally we will assess inherent risks with our clients and explore possible ways to find a solution in order for our clients not to be tied up in court for years.

On the other hand we acknowledge that some matters must find its result in the courts. Consequently, we are prepared to represent clients in court in a variety of commercial business matters, including in our fields of spesialisation like banking and finance, enforcement, insolvency and real estate, as well as in more general corporate and contractual matters.

We have also experience as arbitrator in commercial matters.

The content of this overview is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

We were for more than twenty years a member of the International Fraud Group, and we have unique relationships in many jurisdictions where fraudsters often hide their funds.

We act for Norwegian and foreign creditors in reconstructions and bankruptcies in Norway.

We have for more than 20 years advised airlines, lessees, lessors and owners in aircraft leasing transactions and aircraft registrations in Norway. We also assist with other legal matters relating to aviation.

Vi bistår norske og utenlandske finansforetak, bedrifter og privatpersoner i saker om finansiering, finansavtaler og finansforetakslovgivningen. Vi er et uavhengig advokatfirma uten fast tilknytning til store norske finansforetak, og vi kan normalt opptre på vegne av norske og utenlandske klienter mot slike institusjoner. I alle tilfeller er vi nøye med å overholde advokatetiske regler om klient- og oppdragskonflikter.

Org.nr. NO 929 715 659 MVA
P.O.Box 235, 1301 Sandvika, Norway

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